
Study week....

Now I'm already in the exam week with absolutely no exam mood.
What's happening to me nowadays? It really do seem like I had lost myself and will to study. I do not know what more should I do. Okay, since today I just finished my first exam, it really doesn't matter much to me. Being sad about not knowing how to do is just too stupid of me. What more can I do? What's done is done. No use crying over a spilt milk unless you work hard to milk another cow. Just a minor rambling today my dear bloggie...sometimes it really does seem like I have alot of friends and yet I didn't. Perhaps for them after reading this post, they might have this feeling, "ah, this guys is all emo again, guess I should approach him and say, Hey! everything is fine, don't worry, we don't think of you like that." Well, I thank you for still having time to look at this post, somehow at least you still thought of me.... And yet again today, I felt sarcasm everywhere...I don't know~ maybe it's their way of expressing themselves but somehow, that little cynical smile is what hurts me. Yeah I know you are brilliant, you are smart, you are popular....but is there a need to act so? No wonder you got what you deserve, in my opinion. It's funny how human interact with each other, the more educated they are, the more complicated it is to understand them and to read their mind.
I have got to be thankful to the little bunch of friends that I still have, who are willing to sit down and listen to my narrow-hearted complains, but that's all I could do. Otherwise I would have gone crazy.
I'm also thankful for her being with me all the time. Oh yeah, let me tell you something. There is this thing which i really hate the most when it comes to being in a relationship. I really do hate people going around you, forgetting about you when going for outing with one petty reason/excuse; Aiya, you got gf d ma....no need us acc u wan la rite? we oso dowan kacau u both sweet sweet ma.... Eh, hello? Who are you to me? You are my friends right? To me everyone is of equivalent importance to me. Therefore I really hate people who label me as a person who forgets their friend for his own girlfriend. Maybe you don't mean it, I don't know.....

Enough complaining I guess? Back to mugging. Till then my bloggie~

Peep Talk