Friday- 20.3.09

Rainy day No.2...

ahhaha...(fake laugh==") its another rainy day, and a day which i've got nothing to do as well.
watched the latest 'kamen rider' which is KAMEN RIDER DECADE... quite a nice show. Some might think its childish to watch Kamen Rider, but i'm sure you will likeit if you deal with the plot.
Japanese film makers, especially those with super heroes drama, sure had a great brain to think up these kinds of heroes eh? Although kids just love the fighting with the "WACHAA!!" and "EE YAHH!!"s, and watching these doesn't make me a kiddo right? I'm, i mean we are in a very much different level than those kiddos out there. So don't be shy if you like heroes like Power Rangers and Kamen Riders... I SALUTE YOU MAN!!

Anyways. Try watching DECADE. It has a quite some funny scenes, but the plot up till now is developing quite well, with the main character, Kadoya Tsukasa a.k.a Kamen Rider DECADE, travelling between nine parallel worlds, with each having their own Kamen Rider. Strangely, the part which is quite mind boggling is that the previous Rider, Wataru Kurenai a.k.a Kamen Rider KIVA, is a some sort of a messenger, and his Rider position is replaced by a kiddo!

Well, thats all about it first. If you are interested in watching, just watch. Discuss it here. Just leave a comment for this post or you can chat with me thru the chat box.

Ciao...(as in bye)


Peep Talk